Pierre Elle Sid (Field's artist)
Fuh... I suppose I could help you out.
pierre1.jpgpierre2.jpgpierre3.jpg Bronze: 78 (+): 81
Silver: 86 (+): 89
Gold: 97 (+): 100
Platinum: 103 (+): 106
Big bang: 87
Dream: 132 (+): 135
High Dream: 152 (+): 155

Napoleon Louis (France's bomber)
Let me cause a big riot!
napoleon1.jpgnapoleon2.jpgnapoleon3.jpg Bronze: 74 (+): 77
Silver: 80 (+): 83
Gold: 94 (+): 97
Platinum: 98 (+): 101
Big bang: 82
Dream: 132 (+): 135
High Dream: 151 (+): 154

Amoro (France's goal guard)
''Leave the goal to me!'
amoro1.jpg Bronze: 79
Silver: 92

Bossi (France's side wing)
''Leave the goals to me!'
bossi1.jpg Bronze: 63
Silver: 76