Pierre Elle Sid (France's Fantasista)
Win! I'll win for sure!
pierre4.jpgpierre5.jpgpierre6.jpg Bronze: ? (+): ?
Silver: ? (+): ?
Gold: 110 (+): 113
Platinum: 120 (+): 123
Dream: 132 (+): ?
High Dream: ? (+): ?

Napoleon Louis (Wonder striker)
I won't be stopped by that kind of defense!
napoleon4.jpgnapoleon5.jpgnapoleon6.jpg Bronze: 86 (+): ?
Silver: ? (+): ?
Gold: 103 (+): 106
Platinum: 112 (+): 115
Dream: 131 (+): 134
High Dream: ? (+): ?

Bossi (Raw striker)
Don't think that the only forward is Napoleon!
bossi2.jpg Bronze: ? (+): ?
Silver: ? (+): ?
Gold: 85 (+): 88

Amoro (Watchman standing in France's goal)
amoro2.jpg Bronze: ? (+): ?
Silver: ? (+): ?
Gold: 105 (+): 108