Hernandez Gino (Perfect keeper)
My goal defense won't be broken that easily!
gino2.jpggino3.jpg Bronze: 94 (+): 97
Silver: 95 (+): 98
Gold: 111 (+): 114
Platinum: 126 (+): 129

Gentille Salvatore (Italy's nova)
Soccer must be played by esthetes!
gentille1.jpggentille2.jpggentille3.jpg Bronze: 81 (+): 84
Silver: 89 (+): 92
Gold: 100 (+): 103
Platinum: 108 (+): 111
Dream: 130 (+): 133
High Dream: 151 (+): 154

Matteo (Italian forward)
I'll be helpful!
matteo1.jpg Bronze: 67
Silver: 77

Aoi Shingo (Non stop green traffic light)
Non stop green traffic light! Aoi Shingo!
aoi1.jpgaoi2.jpgaoi3.jpg Bronze: 73 (+): 76
Silver: 82 (+): 85
Gold: 93 (+): 96
Platinum: 100 (+): 103
Dream: 131 (+): 134
High Dream: 150 (+): 153

Akai Tomeya (Fearful red stopper)
I am the fearful red stopper Akai Tomeya!
akai1.jpgakai2.jpg Bronze: 73 (+): 76
Silver: 81 (+): 84
Gold: 92 (+): 95
Platinum: 100 (+): 103